Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cheesy Spinach Casserole... Brought to You by Clash of the Titans

So, normally, I wouldn't be posting in the middle of the day.  Mainly because I am usually at work!  Today is snow day number two of this week.  It's pretty cloudy and cold, so not much thawing is happening.  In fact, I'd say I might be here again tomorrow. 

Anyway, the husband suggested we watch a movie during Sadie's nap time.  Hi suggestion:  "Clash of the Titans."  Have any of you ever seen this movie?  Let me sum it up for you: swords, giant scorpions, hands being sliced off, Medusa...

Not my cup of tea.  Waste of a good nap time, if you ask me.

I just told him, "Wait till you see what I pick for us to watch tonight.  Paypack is coming."  Any suggestions???  I am thinking along the lines of "Titanic."

So anyway, while this movie plays on, let me share this quick and easy recipe for Cheesy Spinach Casserole with you.

This is originally from The Four Ingredient Cookbook, but I have lightened it up a bit.  If you like spinach, you'll love this dish.  It's warm, cheesy, filling, and SO easy to put together.  Come on... 4 ingredients??  Yes please!  I also think this could be awesome in a pie crust, sort of like a quiche... but I didn't have one here and was feeling too lazy to make one.  If you follow the new Weight Watchers PointsPlus, it is 4 points per serving (serves 4).

8 oz. 2% Cottage Cheese
4 oz. 2% Shredded Cheddar Cheese
2 eggs
1 9-oz. package of frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed out

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix the cheeses and the spinach together.  Beat the eggs in a separate bowl, and then mix them with the cheese/spinach mixture.  Pour mixutre into a greased caserole dish (nonstick spray works great, too) and bake for 45 minutes. 


Are you snowed in?  How are you spending your snow days???


  1. Anything with spinach and cheese and I'm in!

    Snowed in and playing with our 17 month old :) She's bored out of her mind...and so are we!

  2. LIZ!! I LOVE the new look! It's so, well, chic for the former couch potato! Maybe a change up for the new year? Either way, good choice! And I have to say it was funny when I saw you had a new post on FB, as it read: "Clash of the Tit"...or well, that's all I saw...ha! Thought you'd get a kick out of that. And, your pictures look great, even for a spinach dish! Yum!

  3. Yum.... I'm your newest follower.

  4. And bye the way, you inspired me tonight...


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