
Saturday, October 16, 2010

NOT a Lazy Saturday: Party In Pink Zumbathon

When I got up this morning, I wasn't sure what I would be doing today.  As you know, I got up VERY early this morning.  I was craving steel-cut oats, so I made another batch of apple-cinnamon flavored oats.  (Click here for the recipe.)  Check out this picture I got right when I filled my bowl...

Yes, that is steam!  It was chilly this morning, but this (along with some fabulous coffee that I won a few weeks ago) was the perfect warm-up.  I LOVED this coffee!  It was bold, but not TOO bold.  It made the whole downstairs smell like a coffee house!  I am going to see about getting some more!

I was trying to decide whether to go to my regular Zumba class at 10:45 OR to attend a Party In Pink Zumbathon benefitting the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  I went back and forth, but finally decided on the Zumbathon.  I was hesitant because it was taking place at McHales (a locar bar and grill in Fort Mill, SC) on "the beach" (aka a sand pit).  I wasn't sure how I would like Zumba on sand.

As it turns out... I do NOT like Zumba on sand.  I tried the grass, too, but that wasn't much better.  It really made my feet hurt.  However, the weather was beautiful, and Zumba is always fun, especially with friends!

I am glad that I went.  I wore my BodyBugg, so I could see my calorie count, which turned out to be...

990 Calories!  Yeah!  I didn't think I had worked that hard at all... which is what I LOVE about Zumba!

Before I left, I bought an energy drink called XS. 

Now, I am not usually a fan of energy drinks, because sometimes they leave you jittery, and sometimes they are full of sugar.  However, this drink only has 12 calories.  I tried the Cranberry-Grape flavor.  Here's the nutritional information for the drink I tried.  Overall, I liked it.  The flavor was good and it gave me a "soda fix" because it was carbonated.  I did not feel jittery at all.  I had to go grocery shopping right after the Party in Pink, and as I was shopping, I thought, "Wow, I am not as tired as I would have thought."  So I think the XS helped.  This drink comes in all sorts of flavors.  It does have some coloring added and there are some ingredients on the nutritional information that I am not sure about, but going on taste and feeling alone, I liked it. 

If you're interested, here's the website where you can buy it.  You can view the prices on the web site.  It comes out to be a little over $2 per can if you order a case (12 cans).  You can't get it in stores-- it's sold through a representative.  You can contact Michael Sanders, a local sales rep, if you are interested.  His email address is

I came home and cooked dinner tonight: roasted butternut squash, fresh green beans cooked with butter and garlic, and split chicken breasts pan seared and then baked in the oven. 

What a great ending to the day. 

Tomorrow, I am trying my hand at spaghetti squash.  I haven't made it in so long!  Should be an interesting food adventure!

1 comment:

  1. What a day! We had a great time at the Zumbathon, but I agree, sand NOR grass is fun for me to Zumba on!!
    Those green beans look so good to me right now; I make my fresh ones the same way, but add a little dill and lemon juice after the butter/garlic. MMMMMMM. :D
    Have a great rest of the night!!


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