
Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Good and Evil of the Internet

Let's talk about the Internet. You know, it is hard to believe, but when I was in school, there was no such thing. I remember when I was senior in high school, I had 2-3 friends who could get online at home. Back then, we called it "surfing the net." If you say that now people will look at you like you have grown three heads! ;)

The Internet a word...AMAZING. Seriously...A. MAZ. ING. You literally have the world at your fingertips now. The other day, I was going to make Paula Deen's Broccoli and Swiss Casserole. I pulled into the parking lot at the grocery store and realized I had left the recipe at home. I pulled out my iPhone and Googled it. Within seconds, I had the recipe and ingredient list on my screen. From my PHONE, people. Technology is amazing, right?

Last week, I made this amazing soup. Guess how I found it? That's right... The Internet.

It was pretty cold and chilly around here last week, so I was in the mood for soup. I happened upon the blog, Paleo Savvy, while surfing the net. That's right, I said it. Anyway, as I was clicking through recipes, I stopped at this one: Asian Chicken Soup with Napa Cabbage and Bok Choy. I love bok choy, cabbage, and sesame oil, so I knew I needed to try it! The only change I made to this recipe was using beef broth instead of chicken broth, and I did that unintentionally. However, the soup was still great! I really like how the carrots were peeled with long strips. It just made it prettier.

This soup was very tasty and probably a lot healthier than something you might get from a local take-out spot. It is also Gluten-Free and Paleo-friendly! Visit Paleo Savvy for the recipe! You can also download a portion of her new cookbook for free!
So now, I know you are wondering why I said the Internet can be evil. I'm about to go off on a little rant, so feel free to stop reading here. You've been warned.

I've been really disheartened the past few days seeing so much ugly talk over the Internet regarding the election. Here are some comments I have seen on Facebook and Twitter:

  • I'm never voting again.
  • I'm moving to another country.
  • Congratulations, voters. You just ruined America.
Seriously, people?! I wanted to say (and now I AM saying it) to these people: do you have a roof over your head? Did you eat breakfast this morning or dinner last night-- or both??? Did you go to a restaurant this week? Did you drive your own car today? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then you are better off than many others in this world. No president has ever been or will ever be perfect. Regardless of who you supported in this election, it's time to pull up your big girl (or boy) pants and support the country. Comments about how awful things are don't help any of us.

This past Sunday, my Sunday School class had a great discussion about what would make the world a better place. One of us made the comment, "What if we all just prayed for each other and supported each other?" Think about how much better the world would be if we did that. Lets just try that and see what happens.

End rant.


  1. Like! And agreed it is amazing and evil.... I plan to continue using it for the amazing part. "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

  2. Amen! By the way, I remember creating my first email at our high school in the computer lab. Oh the good ole days. lol :P

    Your pictures are looking great, Liz! :)

  3. Wow Liz your pictures of my soup are amazing! I'm glad you enjoyed the recipe!


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