
Friday, October 8, 2010

A Visit to Leenie and Poppy's House!

Guess where we are... Leenie and Poppy's house!  Sadie was so excited to get here.  We are looking forward to going to the Pumpkintown Festival tomorrow, and also Fall for Greenville tomorrow night!

This morning I had the last Breakfast Cup... :( 

I will have to make more of those!  Today was a great day at school... AND it is the start of a long weekend!  Monday is a Furlough Day so maybe I will get my house clean that day! 

Sadie got a present from Leenie and Poppy: her own pumpkin! 

She also enjoyed having a little candlelight dinner...

We had a nice dinner together and Sadie was happy because Poppy had ice cream for her!


Chicken Cordon Bleu

Fresh Green Beans


We are looking forward to fun fall festivities tomorrow! Right now, we are watching "Teach: Tony Danza" on A&E.  Have you seen this show?  It is great.  Tony Danza spent a year teaching in a Philadelphia high school, and they made a TV show about it. documenting his journey.  It sure does bring back memories of the first year of teaching!  I remember many days of crying, wondering, WHAT am I doing here? 

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Looks like a fun weekend. 2. Dinner looked yummy! 3. Teach-Tony Danza is now permanently programmed into the DVR - I am addicted. It does bring back those memories, but at the same time fascinates me that he is struggling with things that 11 years later, I still get frustrated about from time to time. ~ Angie


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