
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

BLT (+A) Wraps for Hump Day

Ta-daaaa!  Here's the "After" pic!  See yesterday's post for the "Before."

Today was one of those days where I was constantly playng catch-up.  Do you ever have those days?  In fact, I probably have about 10 things I need to do before bed tonight.  I am very excited because I get to see both my wonderful sisters tomorrow AND my new brother-in-law! 

It is the first football game of the season for the USC Gamecocks.  Ryan and I are excited to make the trip and cheer them on.  Plus, as an added bonus, we are taking Friday off work so we can sleep in and maybe go to breakfast on Friday!  Yay!

I've got to think of some kind of super-easy tailgating food that I can pick up in the morning.  I am thinking it's going to be chips and dip or something equally unoriginal.  No time=no creativity.

Because it was a busy day, we had a super-easy diner: BLT+A Wraps!  (remember, it's "Wraps Week" here at the Bridges household.)

I always really liked a good BLT.  However, they usually aren't very good for you.  They're usually slathered with mayonnaise and the bacon is usually pretty greasy.  My version of the BLT is much better for you.

I started with my tortilla.  I layered shredded lettuce and tomato down the middle, and then I laid some avocado slices over that.  I used the avocado for two reasons: it really replaces the mayo, and it makes it more filling.  Then, I used turkey bacon instead of regular bacon.  I really like turkey bacon.  It gets nice and crispy but still has the flavor of regular bacon, which is what you want. 

I will definitely make these again.  They were crunchy and light, and took me less than 5 minutes to prepare.  But next time I think they need a little hot sauce to give it a kick.

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