
Earning All My Fs!

You don't usually think that you want to earn an F in anything.  But it seems like a lot of the things I am trying to do all start with Fs!  So as you read my blog, most of my posts will relate to one of the Fs. 

F1-- Finances/Frugality-- I've been learning how to coupon.  Thanks to a cool website called Southern Savers ( I have been able to cut my grocery bills in half!  Recently, my husband's job was cut (he was a school administrator) and he took a teaching job.  Our income was drastically reduced, so we've really had to think about how to save money!

F2-- Fitness-- I've been trying all kinds of new activities to keep from getting bored.  I actually got licensed to teach Zumba this summer!  I am in the process of practicing my teaching skills.  I hope to find a job instructing somewhere.  I also have recently staryed trying to do Yoga, and I have started taking a class called Bosu Beat.  That class uses Bosu balls and works every muscle in your body, while building core strength, balance, and flexibility.  I also do water aerobics, step aerobics, zumba classes, and weight-training classes regularly.

F3-- Food-- I'm constantly thinking about food.  I am trying to learn how to eat the RIGHT foods that will keep me satisfied and not break my POINTS budget.